A 15-Year Perspective: An Interview with Anne Nacca, MIM 1985
A black and white photo collage hangs on a wall in the main room of the Academy. It shows the faces of the alumni of the Masters in Intuition Medicine class of 1985. One of these photographs is of Anne Nacca, who returned to audit the Master of Intuition Medicine program after 15 years. We caught up with Anne the other day and asked for her perspective on the Academy.
Q You graduated from the first Academy masters program 15 years ago. Why did you come back?
A I had been thinking about intuitive counseling as a vocation. Which I’ve never done for money, it’s always been for self-growth. So I decided to review my intuition training and get my practitioner skill level up. I wanted to get an energy checkup as well as to reinstate myself in a present context with the school.
Q What did you find when you arrived?
A It was great to be back. This really put me into present time. I got a lot of validation that my abilities were on track. Going back to the Academy after 15 years was like going back to my roots.
When I was a beginning student, there were tremendous hills and valleys of growth. It really rattled my cage. But returning after 15 years, the hills and valleys are nowhere near as deep and high as they were.
Q So how has the Academy changed over the past 15 years? And how has the field of intuitive studies changed?
A The information is basically the same but the group consciousness is much different. People nowadays are conditioned by TV and the media to accept this kind of education and information. Our circle was much smaller then; to use the word “intuition” or “psychic” 15 years ago was taboo. You didn’t mention it because people reacted in fearful ways. If someone at work asked you what you did yesterday, you didn’t say, “I went to my psychic class.” People would be afraid of you. They might think that you were reading their thoughts all the time, and of course I would never do any energy reading without someone’s permission. But it was an attack on their belief systems. For instance, if you were Catholic you were told that this is the devil’s work.
But social consciousness has accelerated, constructs have changed and today intuition has a foothold. Through TV and the media, society acknowledges that intuition does exist. We’re in the information age now and information like this is OK. Information like this can give someone an opportunity to choose, for instance, to heal oneself without going to a doctor. So I believe society is better off with this information being out there. It helps people to trust and empower themselves.
Before, I had to scour old bookstores to get information that I now find at Barnes & Noble. The literature back then wasn’t very good, and that turned off a lot of people. You had to sift through a lot to find good books. But recently, I saw a major book on intuition advertised on TV.
Q How have you integrated your Academy training over the years?
A My major goal has always been self-growth, and the intuition tools have really helped me achieve what I want. The energy techniques and the core system are a threshold from which I create; and as we know, your thoughts create your life. So with this Intuition Medicine system I observe life, explore self-growth and I stay balanced. I have a stable place within myself to come back to, an appreciation that all roads lead to the same place.
For me, most of the time this process happens on an unconscious level. My Academy training runs on its own, though I’m doing the driving. And it allows me an internal freedom. Before, I didn’t know how to feel free.
Q Your husband is also a 1985 Master of Intuition Medicine class alumni. How has this work impacted your relationship?
A We’ve found that being in present time is key in our relationship. Otherwise we keep relating to each other through past issues, which are stifling, and stops relationship growth.
Also, we’ve learned how to deal with our both being very telepathic. When you are in a close, caring relationship, reading the other person’s thoughts can get in the way. For example, you may pick up on a thought of theirs before they’ve had a chance to think it through and maybe decide not to express it. We’ve had to learn to control that, and to not judge each other’s thoughts.
It’s such a positive thing to have when you’re sharing a life, the same core beliefs, a like mind, and a base of knowledge to share. It really helps communication. When we discuss things we are looking through the same glasses and reading the same page. We have a shared emotional-spiritual vocabulary to express what’s going on. This gives us the freedom to express what we need.
By John Brobst. John graduated in 2002, with MIM Class 14, and currently lives on the East Coast with his wife and MIM classmate, Ann.