Application for Enrollment

This Application is only for live classes at the Academy Campus in Sausalito.

For those interested in distance (asynchronous) learning which is not LIVE classes:
the Academy of Intuition Medicine® Online (AIMO) offers 12 Modules that follow the entire Academy campus program from start to completion. Take one course, or go through the entire curriculum — all at your own pace and timeline. 

Please note, this is a multi-page form. If you wish to modify an answer on a previous page, do NOT reload the page in your browser, as that will clear the contents of the form. Instead, use the ‘Previous’ button at the bottom of the page.

Before beginning this form, have a headshot of yourself available for upload when prompted on page 2 of this application form. The photo must be a JPG or PNG file, 3MB (megabytes) maximum size.

After submitting this form you will be redirected to a page that outlines the next steps which include mandatory attendance of an Academy Orientation (via Zoom or in-person), or watching the Orientation video recording on that page. Completion of this application does not automatically enroll you in a class.

All classes take place at the Academy of Intuition Medicine® in Sausalito, California, USA.

Application for Enrollment ('Live' multipage form)

    Student information

    Address *

    Course Attendance

    Are you enrolling in the live Sausalito campus classes?
    ‘Yes’ means you will either be attending in-room physically at the Sausalito campus or live via Zoom at the time of the class.
    ‘No’ means that you are looking for classes that are asynchronous learning (NOT live) where you enroll and study at your own pace online, in your own timeline — that course of online study is available through the Academy of Intuition Medicine® Online (AIMO).
    IF UNABLE TO ATTEND LIVE classes at the Sausalito campus — either in-room physically at the Sausalito campus, or live via Zoom — please stop filling this form out! If INSTEAD you are interested in distance learning also known as “asynchronous learning” (NOT live classes), visit the Academy of Intuition Medicine® Online (AIMO). AIMO offers 12 distance learning Modules that follow the entire Academy campus program from start to completion; you study at your own pace and timeline.
    If you are enrolling in the live Sausalito Classes, specify how you will attend classes: *
    Have you attended an Academy Orientation (a requirement)? *
    Orientation attendance was via *

    Course selections

    No prerequisites for Intuition Medicine: Healing I. All other courses have prerequisites (after filling out this form, see Courses & Programs page). Completion of all three Core Courses above is required for application to the Master Certification in Intuition Medicine® (MIM) Program.
